Originally I had hoped to be a lot more active here. I enjoyed writing and recording what I could find about the years past. Even if it’s just for myself to look back on and no other audience. Unfortunately due to stress, anxiety and enevitably depression, it became too much for me. When I was finally able to pull myself out, I was so busy with social and family obligations, making the rounds after becoming engaged(oh yes! That also happened while I was away!), I had even less time for myself even now that I was feeling better. Well, as I’m sure you have noticed, most of the world has stopped in the wake of the covid 19 pandemic. Now we all seem to have even more time than we even know what to do with. I’m currently working only part time, waiting for the day it becomes so bad due to the total incompetence of our world leaders that I myself am either sick, or our entire city is forced to shut down. All of our local meets in the comm I moderate have been cancelled for the fore...
My Adventures in Lolita Fashion